The Insecurity of IoT Devices is a Serious Concern… So Why Aren’t Businesses Worried?

The Insecurity of IoT Devices is a Serious Concern… So Why Aren’t Businesses Worried?

The IoT, or Internet of Things, is everywhere. There’s a relatively good chance that a device that would be part of the IoT is within your reach right now, perhaps even on your person. Businesses of all kinds use the IoT for various purposes as well, but behind this usage lies significant risk from cyberthreats, and a shocking number of businesses seem to accept this risk without much concern… as in, the vast majority of surveyed businesses utilizing the IoT demonstrated a lack of protection, but seemed not to be bothered by it.

Tip of the Week: Optimizing Your Business Wi-Fi’s Security

Tip of the Week: Optimizing Your Business Wi-Fi’s Security

Wi-Fi connectivity is a remarkable technology when you really think about it, and it has fundamentally changed how we work today. What hasn’t changed, unfortunately, is that hackers and cybercriminals will try to use this technology to their own advantage. Therefore, let’s discuss a few relatively simple ways that you can improve your wireless network’s overall security.

The Reality Is That You Could Know More About Cybersecurity, Part 1

The Reality Is That You Could Know More About Cybersecurity, Part 1

The modern threat landscape is vast and unpredictable, and even if you think you know enough about cybersecurity to protect your business, we bet that you don’t. It’s not even just in the business world, either; individuals also struggle against cyberthreats, and so too do IT administrators. The next couple of weeks will be dedicated to cybersecurity to get across everything you need to know about it.

A Cool New Security Technology May Make the Password a Thing of the Past

A Cool New Security Technology May Make the Password a Thing of the Past

Whether you love them or hate them, passwords serve an important purpose in the realm of cybersecurity. They are the first line of defense against potential threats, yet they are also notoriously easy to crack. Some of the biggest names in technology have been working on ways to get around the challenges presented by password security, including one that we are excited to highlight in today’s blog.

The Bare Necessities of Business Security

The Bare Necessities of Business Security

For a long time, businesses that didn’t have any cybersecurity problems would never consider investing in additional cybersecurity tools. The decision-makers of these companies simply didn’t find it necessary; and many of them had a point (until they didn’t). Today’s threat landscape is much, much more complex than it was only a few short years ago and therefore businesses need to make a point to set up the security tools that will help them secure their network and infrastructure from threats. Let’s take a look at some strategies that work to help modern businesses secure their digital resources:

Explaining Zero-Trust Pros and Cons

Explaining Zero-Trust Pros and Cons

With countless threats out there waiting for IT professionals to slip up, it’s no small wonder that many of these professionals are opting into what is called a zero-trust policy for their security standards. So, what exactly is a zero-trust policy, and more importantly, how is it so effective at mitigating security problems in organizational computing? 

The Tell-Tale Hard Drive

The Tell-Tale Hard Drive

If Edgar Allan Poe worked in an office, here’s what one of his works would sound like: True!—nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I have been and am, but why will you say that I am mad? The office had sharpened my senses—not destroyed—not dulled them. Above all was my sense of hearing. I heard all things in heaven and on earth and many things in…the other place. So, how then am I mad, especially when I can so healthily and calmly tell you this story?