Does Technology Make People Happy?

Does Technology Make People Happy?

It’s a technology-driven world. We are surrounded by technology all the time, and some people literally couldn’t do what they do without it. More than would admit, anyway. So with all this technology all over the place, are we happier? This is a big question. Far bigger than we have time for in this blog, but we thought we would unpack the question a little bit and discuss some elements of this new technology-run society that can give us some insight into people’s feelings.

How to Ensure Your Technology Remains Maintained

How to Ensure Your Technology Remains Maintained

Maintaining your business’ technology can be a lot to handle, particularly if you don’t have any IT staff members on hand to dedicate to its management. Managed services make this process a lot simpler, ensuring that (amongst other key benefits) your desktop solutions remain up-to-date and prepared for anything. Here are three basic tips to follow to ensure your desktops remain maintained.