Is Your Business’ Antiquated Technology Holding You Back?

When was the last time that you took a hard look at your business’ technology? How old are some of the devices that you rely on each day? These are critical questions to answer if you want your business to succeed. Let’s discuss why upgrading is so important, and how to determine when the time to upgrade comes.

Neglecting to Upgrade Your Technology Can Bring Several Deficits

Higher Costs

The financial issues that older technology can cause are threefold. First off, older technology tends to be more expensive to keep up and running. Secondly, older systems don’t have the assorted power-saving features that more up-to-date ones come with.

Third, older tech tends to cause difficulties for a business’ team members, who will frequently take time trying to make it work to some degree. As a result, their productivity suffers (as we’ll return to in a few moments) and your costs leap up.

Compliance Issues

Businesses of all sizes need to uphold the requirements that various authority figures and regulatory bodies have placed on them. Of course, “needing to” and “doing” are two separate things. Not “doing” so could open up your business to consequences from regulatory bodies along with the threats that many of these compliances are meant to avoid.

Security Vulnerabilities

Here’s the facts: one of the primary motivations to upgrade your technology is to ensure that it is properly fortified against attacks, as older tools are less and less likely to be kept updated by the manufacturer. Maintaining them properly (including cycling them out when the time comes) helps to limit the risk that your business is apt to face.

Tanked Productivity

We’ve all experienced slow load times and patchy connections before, and so we all have a pretty good idea of how they can be detrimental to the amount that we can accomplish in a given time. The older (and more outdated) a piece of technology gets, the more these outliers become the norm… and not one that a quick reboot will fix.

Speaking of fixes, that brings us back to the point we mentioned earlier: the more time your team needs to spend to get their essential tools working, the less time they have to actually put them to use. Ensuring your IT is up-to-date helps to cut back on this time and maintain the levels of productivity you’d like to see.

Frequent Crashes and Downtime

Finally, we come to the fact that older, outdated technology frequently just doesn’t work as well. System crashes can become more common, and downtime will more and more frequently rear up its unproductive head. Keeping your technology updated (cycling it out when the time comes) can help minimize these impacts.

We Can Help You Determine When, and What, to Upgrade

Using our remote monitoring and maintenance tools, we’ll be given a clear picture of when a piece of your IT infrastructure is becoming more of a problem than it is a solution, allowing us to resolve the issue for you. Working with us will give your business a clear roadmap to follow when it comes to upgrades, as well as complete support in making them. Give us a call at (646) 741-1166 today to learn more.

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